Communio with English Verses



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This volume is an extension of CMAA’s widely used book Communio. It provides communion antiphons for the Masses of Sundays and Feast Days, in their glorious Latin Gregorian melodies, along with the corresponding psalm verses.

In Communio with English Verses, the psalm texts are drawn from the beautiful and dignified Douay-Rheims translation. It provides a simple way to introduce sung Communion antiphons in Latin with their authentic Gregorian melodies, together with psalm verses as recommended by the General Instruction on the Roman Missal.

Since its publication in 2007, Communio has been welcomed and well used by scholas and cantors. Clearly, a collection of its kind, dedicated to a single, relatively accessible genre of the Gregorian repertoire, was needed to inspire more than a few nascent forays into Latin chant, and, one hopes, to begin the restoration of the Church’s glorious treasure of plainsong to the regular liturgical life of our parishes.

Paperback, 146 pages.

Additional information

Weight 0.6 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.8 in